What is World Gym?
The World Gym International is a Limited Liability Company works in Physical fitness area. It owns, operates and franchises a chain of Gyms in the worldwide locations. In addition, it operates two hundred plus franchisees in the world. The company was launched in 1976 by Joe Gold. This is a private sector undertaking company and globally recognized. The branches of this company are located across the Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Egypt and Russia.
Established in the year of 1976 by Joe Gold The World Gym is a Physical fitness agency based in Los Angeles, California, United States Of America. The Gym has almost 200 serving places of worldwide. The World Gym has attracted the whole world because of its highly services production of exercising and fitness. Barbell Cafe of World Gym offers services like aft burners, Muscle Builders, Weight Gainers, performance enhancers and many more. Body Slams like Fat Loss Pack, Energy Pack, Vita Pack, Green Pack, Wellness Pack, Protein, Creatine, Glutamine and many more. The World Gym organizes classes for every program whether it is fat burning or muscle improving. Franchise is also organized by the World Gym industry.
Social Media Networking Links Of World Gym
For More Details The Customers Can Follow The Social Media Links Of World Gym At The Mentioned YouTube and Twitter Links.
YouTube Link Of World Gymhttps://www.youtube.com/user/worldgymglobal.
Twitter Link Of World Gymhttps://twitter.com/worldgymglobal.