I have cancelled your fraudulent charges on my credit card. I will continue to get the word out that you are not a reputable company. You can not be reached, you do not send the product and you submit charges that were not authorized. Additionally, I will include Shark Tank in my quest to expose you. I will go further than listing you as a scam on the net, I will proceed with more powerful organizations.
6/22/2020 11:45:42 AM
Register on-line for Shark Tank Show, when you have several Great Ideas, for a New Product, Yet can not show any pictures, over the telephone, on ideas and ways to make life easier, I have some great ideas, and wish a investor to take over ideas and make money, (951)-552-0074, Senior Citizen, and Disabled Veteran, - Lets make some money together and provide a Good Show for TV.
7/17/2020 11:07:57 PM