What is Riverside?
The Riverside is one of the counties among 58 counties in the United States Of America and is located in the state of California. As per the records of 2010 census, the total population was twenty one lakh eighty nine thousand six hundred forty one. The Riverside county is the fourth most popular county in California and eleventh most popular in United States. The name Riverside was derived from the city of Riverside that is the county town. Riverside county that is square-shaped engages seven thousand two hundred eight Square miles in California's southern part. Most part of the Riverside county in the center and east side is desert Geologically.
Riverside Area
Total Area - seven thousand
Three hundred
Three square miles i.e eighteen thousand nine hundred ten square kilometers.
Land Area - seven thousand two hundred six square miles i.e eighteen thousand six hundred sixty square kilometers.
Water Area - ninety seven square miles i.e two hundred fifty square kilometers.
Riverside county is elaborating its financial state and is working hard to make Riverside county a business-friendly. Riverside county is also using some policies for health and leisure so that Riverside will be healthier place for the residents. Southern California's shipping is supported by transportation passages such as highways, airports and
Railway lines to make connection with Asia that is an important link between California and rest of the world.
Facebook profile of Riverside countyhttps://www.facebook.com/CountyofRiversideHR
Twitter profile of Riverside countyhttps://www.twitter.com/riversidecounty
YouTube profile of Riverside countyhttps://www.youtube.com/user/rivcotrans