What is Richmond Rcmp Non Emergency?
Richmond Rcmp Non Emergency number is a contact number of Richmond police, British Columbia which is supposed to be dialed when crime is not in progress, and there is no emergency. The major motive is to setup this number was not to interrupt Richmond police for non emergency cases as it wastes the time. The number should be dialed when caller needs no emergency like car has been stolen; damage of property; minor traffic collision; general inquiry etc. Richmond Police is authorized by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as Province of British Columbia has signed an agreement with the government of Canada to employ Royal Canadian Police in the province of British Columbia as local police. On the other hand, RCMP also plays a vital role in setting Budget and other services of Richmond Police as it consults with senior staff and community consultation groups of the city.
Contacting Information | Richmond Rcmp Non Emergency
Richmond Rcmp Non Emergency, as the major and valuable department in Richmond, Canada, as the department is meant for providing all kinds of facilities and services regarding to the crime and police in the regions. The working force of the department are highly qualified and well professions in serving the nation of Richmond, they have proved themselves in serving the nation with full support or assistance. The responsible federal authority of the Richmond Rcmp Non Emergency has given the valuable contacting information, that will benefit the desired citizens of the nation, and they can get all vital information about the department. In addition to this, by the help of valuable contacts people can get more information about services, assistance as well as support offered by the
Richmond Rcmp Non Emergency.
Contact Number for General Inquiries
613-993-7267 Contact Number for TTY
613-825-1391 Contact Number for Non-Emergency
Phone: 6