What is Kt English?
KT Corporation ( also known as KT Corp or KT) is the largest integrated telecommunications company based in South Korea which specializes in wired and wireless network services. At the beginning, KT was established as Korea Telecom. It is also one of the country's biggest service providers of local telephone and high-speed Internet services. The company offers a board range of mobile, Internet, digital television and telephone services to the customers. Its services include fixed-line telephone services, local and domestic long distance calling, IP-TV services, VoIP telephone services, international long distance calling, broadband, interconnection services to telecommunications and wireless industry. KT Corporation was began on 10th December 1981 as a public company. Its global headquarters is located in Gyeonggi-do province of South Korea.
The customer service number: 100 (without the area code for telephone users), and area code + 100 (for Mobile users).