What is BAA Heathrow?
BAA stands for British Airports Authority that is the former name of Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited, which is also sometime called as BAA Heathrow. It is renowned as one of the largest airports based in the United Kingdom. The BAA Heathrow is based on airport services, having a number of destinations across New York, Dubai, Dublin, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam. The company is headquartered in Hounslow, United Kingdom, and operates as the flagship company of LHR Airports Limited.
Customer Support and Sales Department of BAA Heathrow
For any kind of help from customer service representatives of Heathrow, you can call at given numbers, during hours of operations: Monday through Sunday 08:00 am to 08:00 pm.
If you have any type of query about an existing
Booking and new booking, so you can contact to sales representatives by calling at
+44-330-100-9143, available Monday through Saturday from 08:30 am to 10:00 pm, Sunday from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.
The postal address of Heathrow Airport
Limited is:
The Compass Centre, Nelson Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW6 2GW, UK
If you have general question is about Heathrow Airport, and question is about Security and baggage, Arrivals, delayed or cancelled flights, Flight text service, company information, as well as career, so you can also get your answer from FAQ section page, available at www.heathrowairport.com/help/faqs
Explore the official to know more about BAA Heathrow, as well as for online
Hotel and flight booking, flight status, etc.
Important Links of BAA Heathrow
For flights related all types of infromation at Heathrow Airport, visit at www.heathrowairport.com/flight-information
To know about the security at Heathrow Airport available to you, visit at www.heathrowairport.com/heathrow-airport-guide/heathrow-security
Social Media Links of BAA Heathrow
In addition to official , there is an other social way to connect with BAA Heathrow for all time.
BAA Heathrow Facebook Profile: www.facebook.com/HeathrowAirport
BAA Heathrow Twitter Account: twitter.com/HeathrowAirport
BAA Heathrow YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/LHRHeathrow#p/a