What is Anchorage Daily News?
The Anchorage Daily News shortened as "the ADN" is an American daily newspaper. The newspaper was founded as the weekly Anchorage News by the hard works of Norman C. Brown and was renamed as the Alaska Dispatch News on 20th July of 2014. It is an English newspaper and the first issue of the newspaper was published on 13th January of 1946. The Anchorage Daily News (ADN) is also known as "the Daily News" and offers local and national news including, stocks, celebrations, arts, community events, justice, sports, jobs, business, headlines, editorial, weather, rentals, and classified sections.
Anchorage Daily News Format, and Circulation
On 13th April of 1964, the Anchorage Daily News switched on as a morning newspaper. The newspaper is under the possession of a privately held American news organization namely “Alaska Dispatch LLC”. It is one of the leading Broadsheet newspapers in the state of Alaska. The Anchorage Daily News (ADN) additionally offers an online edition that provides job listings, business descriptions, blogs, print content, career tips, and many more to facilitate the readers. According to the information, the newspaper has a daily and Sunday circulation of more than 41,684 and 47,028 newspapers respectively. The newspaper has been a recipient of Pulitzer Prize in the "Public Service" section. The headquarters of the Anchorage Daily News (ADN) is situated in Anchorage, Alaska in the United States. 0194-6870 is a unique eight-digit International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) issued to the newspaper.
Anchorage Daily News Head Office:
300, West 31st Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99508, Alaska, United States
Anchorage Daily News Customer Service Number:
+1 (907) 257-4200 Fax No: +1 (907) 279-8170Anchorage Daily News Web:
www.adn.comSocial Media Links:
Anchorage Daily News Facebook Pagewww.facebook.com/akdispatch
Alaska Dispatch News Twitter Pagetwitter@alaskdispatch
Anchorage Daily News Twitter Pagetwitter@adndotcom