What is Afrigis pty ltd?
Afrigis (pty) ltd is a private limited company. The company is located at Rigel Park Block A 446 Rigel Avenue Erasmusrand 0181 Pretoria South Africa. Afrigis (pty) ltd provides address management services and products such as data capturing, cleaning, verification and geocoding. Afrigis (pty) ltd creates and maintains many addresses namely Street addresses, Intersection addresses, Landmark addresses,Building addresses, Farm addresses addresses. Afrigis (pty) ltd was founded in the year 1997. The company is the leader in the Geographic information and Communication solutions industries. The company supplies geographical data, customised mobile, web applications and location-based business consulting. The company's offices are located in Pretoria, Gauteng and Cape Town. The company can be contacted at this no:+27 87 310 6400